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Table of Content - Volume 18 Issue 2 - May 2021

Role of spiral computed tomography in evaluation of pelvic masses


Sudam Mehatre1, Uttareshvar M Dhumal2*


 1Assistant Professor, 1Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, MIMSR Medical College Latur, INDIA.

Email: opglakshmi@gmail.com


Abstract              Background: Patients with lower abdominal pain, dysurea, haematuria menorhagia, polymenhhoea malena commonly present to surgical and gynaecological department. Radiological examination has been relied up on many years in assisting surgeons to reach conclusive etiology. Aims and Objective: to study Role of Spiral Computed tomography in evaluation of pelvic masses. Methodology: After approval from institutional ethical committee this cross-sectional study was carried out in the Department of Radio Diagnosis MIMSR Medical College, Latur during the two years duration i.e. January 2006 to January 2008, in the study period 69 patients included to the study by taking written and explained consent All patients underwent CT scan at our department on Siemens somatum plus 4A whole body spiral CT scanner. The data was entered to excel sheet and analyzed by excel software for windows 10. Result: In our study we have found the majority of the patients were in the age group (Years.) of 31-40 were 21.74%, In 41-50 were 21.74%, 51-60 were 15.94%, 61-70 were 14.49%, 21-30 were 13.04%, In 11-20 were 7.25%, 71-80 were 4.35%, 0-11 were 1.45%. The majority patients were having Ca.Cervix i.e. 42.03%, Ovarian Malignancy in 31.88%, Ca.Urinary Blader in 7.25%, Ca.Rectum , Prostate mass in 4.35%, Tubo ovarian mass in 2.90%, Other uterine neoplasm, Ovarian Dermoid in 1.45%, Fibroid Uterus, Endometrial neoplasm respectively. Ca.Cervix on CT shown various features like Ca.Cervix with Para-metrial invasion in 17.39%, followed by Ca.Cervix with Pyometra in 11.59%, BulkyCervix (Later Proved on Biopsy) in 8.70%, Ca.Cervix with Bowel wall thickening, Ca.Cervix with Vaginal vault malignancy, Ca. with invasion of rectum in 1.45 %. Conclusion: It can be concluded from our study that Spiral Computed tomography was very useful not only for the detection of neoplasm but also to see the extent which is very useful for the medical and surgical treatment

Key words: Spiral Computed tomography, Ca.Cervix , Pelvic masses.



Patients with lower abdominal pain, dysurea, haematuria menorhagia, polymenhhoea malena commonly present to surgical and gynaecological department. Radiological examination has been relied up on many years in assisting surgeons to reach conclusive etiology. CT with intravenous contrast enhancement is sensitive and reliable modelatity for evaluation of structures in the pelvis. It provides fairly accurate localization of lesions in various spaces of pelvis also provides essential information about extension of clinically detected masses and additional unsuspected or incidental lesions which may be seen by conventional radiological methods Malignancies of the pelvic cavity especially female reproductive system are among serious causes of mortality and morbidity, and adnexal cancers are in fifth place among the tumors with the highest mortality in the female population.1 While the diagnosis of these tumors are delayed because of unspecified symptoms, so appropriate treatment plan is important for deliberate staging of the tumor gives good outcome.2 In most institutions the type of surgery (laparotomy vs. laparoscopy) depends on the probability of malignancy, which is based mostly on imaging appearance.3,4 Putting together with a thorough observation, physical examination and characteristics of the mass gives valuable information about its nature5,6. Afterward, several invasive and non-invasive para-clinical evaluations can provide additional information7,8. Computed tomography (CT) has been used primarily in patients with ovarian malignancies to reveal the stage of tumor, detect persistent or recurrent disease and demonstrate tumor response to therapeutic approach9,10

 In our study Spiral Computed tomography in evaluation of pelvic masses



After approval from institutional ethical committee this cross sectional study was carried out in the Department of Radiology, MIMSR Medical College, Latur, during the period from November 2018 to October 2019., in the study period 69 patients included to the study by taking written and explained consent. All the study participants undergone CT pelvis were recruited from the department of OBGY and Department of surgery. Any patient showing, Pelvic mass, Haematuria, Dysurea, Menstrual Complain, Bleeding vaginum, Malena were included into study while those not giving consent and already diagnosed patients excluded from the study. All patients underwent CT scan at our department on Siemens somatum plus 4A whole body spiral CT scanner. The data was entered to excel sheet and analyzed by excel software for windows 10.



Table 1: Age wise distribution of the patients

Age group


Percentage (%)




























The majority of the patients were in the age group (Yrs.) of 31-40 were 21.74%, In 41-50 were 21.74%, 51-60 were 15.94%, 61-70 were 14.49%, 21-30 were 13.04%, 11-20 were 7.25%, 71-80 were 4.35%, 0-11 were 1.45%.


Table 2: Distribution of the patients as per the neoplasm diagnosed by CT



Percentage (%)







Ca.Urinary Blader



Ovarian Malignancy



Tubo ovarian mass



Ovarian Dermoid



Prostate mass



Fibroid Uterus



Endometrial neoplasm



Other uterine neoplasm






The majority patients were having Ca.Cervix i.e. 42.03%, Ovarian Malignancy in 31.88%, Ca.Urinary Blader in 7.25%, Ca.Rectum , Prostate mass in 4.35%, Tubo ovarian mass in 2.90%, Other uterine neoplasm, Ovarian Dermoid in 1.45%, Fibroid Uterus, Endometrial neoplasm respectively.


Graph 1: Distribution of the patients as per the neoplasm diagnosed by CT


Table 3 :Distribution of the patients as per the Ca. Cervix diagnosed by CT

BulkyCervix (Later Proved on Biopsy)



Ca.Cervix with Para-metrial invasion



Ca.Cervix with Pyometra



Ca.Cervix with Bowel wall thickning



Ca.Cervix with Vaginal vault malignancy



Ca. with invasion of rectum






Ca.Cervix on CT shown various features like Ca.Cervix with Para-metrial invasion in 17.39%, followed by Ca.Cervix with Pyometra in 11.59%, BulkyCervix (Later Proved on Biopsy) in 8.70%, Ca.Cervix with Bowel wall thickening, Ca.Cervix with Vaginal vault malignancy, Ca. with invasion of rectum in 1.45 %.



A pelvic mass is a swelling or an enlargement in the pelvic region, which may originate from either the gynecologic organs (the uterus, cervix, and uterine adnexa) or other pelvic organs (the bladder, intestines, ureters, and renal organs)11–13. Most pelvic masses are benign conditions, such as an ovarian cyst, while others may be malignant14, 15. According to the American Cancer Society estimates for ovarian cancer in the United States in 2016, about 22,280 women will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer, while about 14,240 women will die from ovarian cancer16. Early and proper therapy is important in decreasing the death, such as surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy, as well as radiation therapy17,18. In order to have patients treated by optional way, a correct preoperative diagnosis of pelvic masses is very important. Physical exam, imaging tests like computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, and ultrasound studies, and other tests may provide useful information about pelvic mass 19,20. However, it is very limited for one test to give an accurate diagnosis; for example, diagnostic ultrasound is only about 50% sensitive for stage I epithelial ovarian cancer and is further limited by poor specificity in accurately differentiating benign from malignant pathology21. In our study we have found the majority of the patients were in the age group (Yrs.) of 31-40 were 21.74%, In 41-50 were 21.74%, 51-60 were 15.94%, 61-70 were 14.49%, 21-30 were 13.04%, In 11-20 were 7.25%, 71-80 were 4.35%, 0-11 were 1.45%. The majority patients were having Ca.Cervix i.e. 42.03%, Ovarian Malignancy in 31.88%, Ca.Urinary Blader in 7.25%, Ca.Rectum , Prostate mass in 4.35%, Tubo ovarian mass in 2.90%, Other uterine neoplasm, Ovarian Dermoid in 1.45%, Fibroid Uterus, Endometrial neoplasm respectively. Ca.Cervix on CT shown various features like Ca.Cervix with Para-metrial invasion in 17.39%, followed by Ca.Cervix with Pyometra in 11.59%, BulkyCervix (Later Proved on Biopsy) in 8.70%, Ca.Cervix with Bowel wall thickening, Ca.Cervix with Vaginal vault malignancy, Ca. with invasion of rectum in 1.45 %.



It can be concluded from our study that Spiral Computed tomography was very useful not only for the detection of neoplasm but also to see the extent which is very useful for the medical and surgical treatment



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